Proposal by 0x0f...455b

Basic treasury transfers [21:42 05.12.2024]

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Proposed transactions
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Proposal checklist

  1. Select the proposal type

Proposal types set the quorum and approval thresholds for your proposal. Select the correct type for the proposal that you're making.

  1. Choose your vote type

This determines if your proposal will be a simple yes/no or a multiple choice.

  1. Create your proposal draft

Now that the vote and proposal type are set, you can create your proposal by giving it a title, description, and optionally a set of transactions to execute.

  1. Submit your draft onchain

If you meet the proposal threshold or are the manager of the governor, then you can submit your draft onchain as a proposal. If you do not meet these requirements, you can find a sponsor for your proposal who does.

Voting activity
FOR - 100,000
Quorum 2,108,232


Ended 1:55 am Dec 20, 2024
Hasn't voted